Index of Public Functions and Variables - clojurescript

This page has an alphabetical index of all the documented functions and variables in clojurescript.



 add-dep-string               function      cljs.closure       Return a goog.addDependency string for an input..
 add-dependencies             function     Given one or more IJavaScript objects in dependenc...
 add-dependencies             function      cljs.closure       Given one or more IJavaScript objects in dependenc...
 add-dependency-sources       function      cljs.closure       Given list of IJavaScript objects, produce a new s...
 add-implicit-options         function     Given a valid map of build options add any standar...
 add-js-sources               function      cljs.closure       Given list of IJavaScript objects, add foreign-dep...
 add-preloads                 function      cljs.closure       Add :preloads to a given set of inputs (IJavaScrip...
 aliasable-clj-ns?            function      cljs.analyzer      Predicate for testing with a symbol represents an ...
 all-ns                       function      cljs.analyzer.api  Return all namespaces. Analagous to clojure.core/a...
 alt                          macro         cljs.spec          Takes key+pred pairs, e.g.  (s/alt :even even? :sm...
 amap                         macro         cljs.core          Maps an expression across an array a, using an ind...
 analyze                      function      cljs.analyzer      Given an environment, a map containing {:locals (m...
 analyze                      function      cljs.analyzer.api  Given an environment, a map containing {:locals (m...
 analyze-deps                 function      cljs.analyzer      Given a lib, a namespace, deps, its dependencies, ...
 analyze-file                 function      cljs.analyzer      Given a, or a string ide...
 analyze-file                 function      cljs.analyzer.api  Given a, or a string ide...
 analyze-source               function      cljs.repl          Given a source directory, analyzes all .cljs files...
 analyze-symbol               function      cljs.analyzer      Finds the var associated with sym.
 and                          macro         cljs.core          Evaluates exprs one at a time, from left to right....
 and                          macro         cljs.spec          Takes predicate/spec-forms, e.g.  (s/and even? #(<...
 apropos                      macro         cljs.repl          Given a regular expression or stringable thing, re...
 are                          macro         cljs.test          Checks multiple assertions with a template express...
 areduce                      macro         cljs.core          Reduces an expression across an array a, using an ...
 as->                         macro         cljs.core          Binds name to expr, evaluates the first form in th...
 assert                       macro         cljs.core          Evaluates expr and throws an exception if it does ...
 assert-any                   function      cljs.test          Returns generic assertion code for any test, inclu...
 assert-args                  macro       Internal - do not use!.
 assert-predicate             function      cljs.test          Returns generic assertion code for any functional ...
 async                        macro         cljs.test          Wraps body as a CPS function that can be returned ...



 ->BrowserEnv                 function      cljs.repl.browser  Positional factory function for class
 binding                      macro         cljs.core          binding => var-symbol init-expr  Creates new bindi...
 browser-eval                 function      cljs.repl.browser  Given a string of JavaScript, evaluate it in the b...
 BrowserEnv                   record        cljs.repl.browser  
 build                        function     Given a source which can be compiled, produce runn...
 build                        function      cljs.closure       Given a source which can be compiled, produce runn...
 build-index                  function      cljs.js-deps       Index a list of dependencies by namespace and file...
 build-modules                function      cljs.closure       Given a list of IJavaScript sources in dependency ...
 build-provides               function      cljs.closure       Given a vector of provides, builds required goog.p...



 -closure-lib?                function      cljs.js-deps       Whether the Javascript represents a Closure style ...
 -compile                     function      cljs.closure       Returns one or more IJavaScripts..
 cache-file                   function      cljs.analyzer      Given a ClojureScript source file returns the read...
 case                         macro         cljs.core          Takes an expression, and a set of clauses.  Each c...
 cat                          macro         cljs.spec          Takes key+pred pairs, e.g.  (s/cat :e even? :o odd...
 clj-ns->cljs-ns              function      cljs.analyzer      Given a symbol that starts with clojure as the fir...
 cljs-dependencies            function      cljs.closure       Given a list of all required namespaces, return a ...
 cljs-dependents-for-macro-namespaces function  Takes a list of Clojure (.clj) namespaces that def...
 cljs-files-in                function      cljs.compiler      Return a sequence of all .cljs and .cljc files in ...
 cljs-files-in                function      cljs.compiler.api  Return a sequence of all .cljs and .cljc files in ...
 cljs-source-for-namespace    function      cljs.closure       Given a namespace return the corresponding source ...
 clojurescript-version        function      cljs.util          Returns clojurescript version as a printable strin...
 coll-of                      macro         cljs.spec          Returns a spec for a collection of items satisfyin...
 comment                      macro         cljs.core          Ignores body, yields nil.
 Compilable                   protocol      cljs.closure       
 compile                      function     Given a Compilable, compile it and return an IJava...
 compile                      function      cljs.closure       Given a Compilable, compile it and return an IJava...
 compile-dir                  function      cljs.closure       Recursively compile all cljs files under the given...
 compile-file                 function      cljs.closure       Compile a single cljs file. If no output-file is s...
 compile-file                 function      cljs.compiler      Compiles src to a file of the same name, but with ...
 compile-file                 function      cljs.compiler.api  Compiles src to a file of the same name, but with ...
 compile-form-seq             function      cljs.closure       Compile a sequence of forms to a JavaScript source...
 compile-from-jar             function      cljs.closure       Compile a file from a jar if necessary. Returns IJ...
 compile-root                 function      cljs.compiler      Looks recursively in src-dir for .cljs files and c...
 compile-root                 function      cljs.compiler.api  Looks recursively in src-dir for .cljs files and c...
 compile-sources              function      cljs.closure       Takes dependency ordered list of IJavaScript compa...
 compiled-file                function      cljs.closure       Given a map with at least a :file key, return a ma...
 cond                         macro         cljs.core          Takes a set of test/expr pairs. It evaluates each ...
 cond->                       macro         cljs.core          Takes an expression and a set of test/form pairs. ...
 cond->>                      macro         cljs.core          Takes an expression and a set of test/form pairs. ...
 condp                        macro         cljs.core          Takes a binary predicate, an expression, and a set...
 confirm-bindings             function      cljs.analyzer      Given env, an analysis environment env, and names,...
 confirm-ns                   function      cljs.analyzer      Given env, an analysis environment, and ns-sym, a ...
 conformer                    macro         cljs.spec          takes a predicate function with the semantics of c...
 connection                   function      cljs.repl.server   Promise to return a connection when one is availab...
 constrain-order              function      cljs.repl.browser  Elements to be printed in the REPL will arrive out...
 convert-js-module            multimethod   cljs.closure       Takes a JavaScript module as an IJavaScript and re...
 core-name?                   function      cljs.analyzer      Is sym visible from core in the current compilatio...



 declare                      macro         cljs.core          defs the supplied var names with no bindings, usef...
 decode                       function      cljs.source-map    Convert a v3 source map JSON object into a nested ...
 decode-reverse               function      cljs.source-map    Convert a v3 source map JSON object into a nested ...
 def                          macro         cljs.spec          Given a namespace-qualified keyword or resolveable...
 default-warning-handler      function      cljs.analyzer.api  The default warning handler.  Outputs the warning ...
 defmacro                     macro         cljs.core          Like defn, but the resulting function name is decl...
 defmethod                    macro         cljs.core          Creates and installs a new method of multimethod a...
 defmulti                     macro         cljs.core          Creates a new multimethod with the associated disp...
 defn                         macro         cljs.core          Same as (def name (core/fn [params* ] exprs*)) or ...
 defn-                        macro         cljs.core          same as defn, yielding non-public def.
 defonce                      macro         cljs.core          defs name to have the root value of init iff the n...
 defprotocol                  macro         cljs.core          A protocol is a named set of named methods and the...
 defrecord                    macro         cljs.core          (defrecord name [fields*]  options* specs*)  Curre...
 deftest                      macro         cljs.test          Defines a test function with no arguments.  Test f...
 deftype                      macro         cljs.core          (deftype name [fields*]  options* specs*)  Current...
 delay                        macro         cljs.core          Takes a body of expressions and yields a Delay obj...
 delay                        macro         cljs.spec.impl.gen given body that returns a generator, returns a gen...
 dependency-order             function      cljs.js-deps       Topologically sort a collection of dependencies..
 deps-file                    function      cljs.closure       Return a deps file string for a sequence of inputs...
 desugar-ns-specs             function      cljs.analyzer      Given an original set of ns specs desugar :include...
 dir                          macro         cljs.repl          Prints a sorted directory of public vars in a name...
 dispatch-on                  function      cljs.repl.server   Registers a handler to be dispatched based on a re...
 doc                          macro         cljs.repl          Prints documentation for a var or special form giv...
 doseq                        macro         cljs.core          Repeatedly executes body (presumably for side-effe...
 dotimes                      macro         cljs.core          bindings => name n  Repeatedly executes body (pres...
 doto                         macro         cljs.core          Evaluates x then calls all of the methods and func...



 -evaluate                    function      cljs.repl          evaluate a javascript string.
 emit                         function      cljs.compiler.api  Given an AST node generated by the analyzer emit J...
 emit-arguments-to-array      function      cljs.compiler      Emit code that copies function arguments into an a...
 emit-comment                 function      cljs.compiler      Emit a nicely formatted comment string..
 emit-optimized-source-map    function      cljs.closure       Given a JSON parsed Google Closure JavaScript to J...
 empty-env                    function      cljs.analyzer      Construct an empty analysis environment. Required ...
 empty-env                    function      cljs.analyzer.api  Creates an empty analysis environment..
 empty-state                  function      cljs.analyzer.api  Creates an empty compilation state Atom<Map>..
 encode                       function      cljs.source-map    Take an internal source map representation represe...
 encode*                      function      cljs.source-map    Take an internal source map representation represe...
 eval-resource                function      cljs.repl.nashorn  Evaluate a file on the classpath in the engine..
 evaluate-form                function      cljs.repl          Evaluate a ClojureScript form in the JavaScript en...
 every                        macro         cljs.spec          takes a pred and validates collection elements aga...
 every-kv                     macro         cljs.spec          like 'every' but takes separate key and val preds ...
 exercise-fn                  macro         cljs.spec          exercises the fn named by sym (a symbol) by applyi...
 exists?                      macro         cljs.core          Return true if argument exists, analogous to usage...
 ext                          function      cljs.util          Given a file, url or string return the file extens...
 extend-protocol              macro         cljs.core          Useful when you want to provide several implementa...
 extend-type                  macro         cljs.core          Extend a type to a series of protocols. Useful whe...



 -find-sources                function      cljs.closure       Returns one or more IJavascripts, without compilin...
 -foreign?                    function      cljs.js-deps       Whether the Javascript represents a foreign librar...
 fast-path-protocol-partitions-count var    cljs.core          total number of partitions.
 fast-path-protocols          var           cljs.core          protocol fqn -> [partition number, bit].
 fdef                         macro         cljs.spec          Takes a symbol naming a function, and one or more ...
 find-classpath-lib           function      cljs.js-deps       Given [lib], a string or symbol naming a goog-styl...
 find-cljs-dependencies       function      cljs.closure       Given set of cljs namespace symbols, find IJavaScr...
 find-doc                     macro         cljs.repl          Prints documentation for any var whose documentati...
 find-js-classpath            function      cljs.js-deps       Returns a seq of URLs of all JavaScript files on t...
 find-js-fs                   function      cljs.js-deps       finds js resources from a path on the files system.
 find-js-jar                  function      cljs.js-deps       Returns a seq of URLs of all JavaScript resources ...
 find-ns                      function      cljs.analyzer.api  Given a namespace return the corresponding namespa...
 find-url                     function      cljs.js-deps       Given a string, returns a URL. Attempts to resolve...
 fn                           macro         cljs.core          params => positional-params* , or positional-param...
 for                          macro         cljs.core          List comprehension. Takes a vector of one or more ...
 formatter                    macro         cljs.pprint        Makes a function which can directly run format-in....
 formatter-out                macro         cljs.pprint        Makes a function which can directly run format-in....
 forms-seq                    function      cljs.analyzer      DEPRECATED: Seq of Clojure/ClojureScript forms fro...
 forms-seq                    function      cljs.analyzer.api  Seq of Clojure/ClojureScript forms from rdr, a jav...
 forms-seq*                   function      cljs.analyzer      Seq of Clojure/ClojureScript forms from rdr, a jav...
 fspec                        macro         cljs.spec          takes :args :ret and (optional) :fn kwargs whose v...
 function?                    function      cljs.test          Returns true if argument is a function or a symbol...



 -get-error                   function      cljs.repl          Given a symbol representing a var holding an error...
 get-compiled-cljs            function      cljs.closure       Return an IJavaScript for this file. Compiled outp...
 get-expander                 function      cljs.analyzer      Given a sym, a symbol identifying a macro, and env...
 get-js-index                 function      cljs.analyzer.api  Return the currently computed Google Closure js de...
 get-name                     function      cljs.util          Given a file or url return the last component of t...
 get-options                  function      cljs.analyzer.api  Return the compiler options from compiler state..
 get-upstream-deps*           function      cljs.closure       returns a merged map containing all upstream depen...
 getf                         macro         cljs.pprint        Get the value of the field a named by the argument...
 goog-define                  macro         cljs.core          Defines a var using `goog.define`. Passed default ...
 goog-dep-string              function     Given compiler options and a IJavaScript instance ...
 goog-dependencies*           function      cljs.js-deps       Create an index of Google dependencies by namespac...





 if-let                       macro         cljs.core          bindings => binding-form test  If test is true, ev...
 if-not                       macro         cljs.core          Evaluates test. If logical false, evaluates and re...
 if-some                      macro         cljs.core          bindings => binding-form test  If test is not nil,...
 IGetError                    protocol      cljs.repl          
 IJavaScript                  protocol      cljs.js-deps       
 IJavaScriptEnv               protocol      cljs.repl          
 implements?                  macro         cljs.core          EXPERIMENTAL.
 in-cljs-user                 macro         cljs.analyzer.api  Binds cljs.analyzer/*cljs-ns* to 'cljs.user and us...
 indexed-sources              function      cljs.source-map    Take a seq of source file names and return a map f...
 infer-tag                    function      cljs.analyzer      Given env, an analysis environment, and e, an AST ...
 inputs                       function     Given a list of directories and files, return a co...
 Inputs                       protocol      cljs.closure       
 inst-in                      macro         cljs.spec          Returns a spec that validates insts in the range f...
 instrument                   macro         cljs.spec          Instruments the var at v, a var or symbol, to chec...
 instrument-all               macro         cljs.spec          Call instrument for all speced-vars. Idempotent..
 instrument-ns                macro         cljs.spec          Call instrument for all speced-vars in namespaces ...
 int-in                       macro         cljs.spec          Returns a spec that validates longs in the range f...
 intern-macros                function      cljs.analyzer      Given a Clojure namespace intern all macros into t...
 invert-reverse-map           function      cljs.source-map    Given a ClojureScript to JavaScript source map, in...
 IParseError                  protocol      cljs.repl          
 IParseStacktrace             protocol      cljs.repl          
 IPrintStacktrace             protocol      cljs.repl          
 IReplEnvOptions              protocol      cljs.repl          
 is                           macro         cljs.test          Generic assertion macro.  'form' is any predicate ...
 ISourceMap                   protocol      cljs.closure       



 ->JavaScriptFile             function      cljs.closure       Positional factory function for class cljs.closure...
 ->JSValue                    function      cljs.tagged-literals Positional factory function for class cljs.tagge...
 jar-file-to-disk             function      cljs.closure       Copy a file contained within a jar to disk. Return...
 JavaScriptFile               record        cljs.closure       
 js-comment                   macro         cljs.core          Emit a top-level JavaScript multi-line comment. Ne...
 js-debugger                  macro         cljs.core          Emit JavaScript "debugger;" statement.
 js-dependencies              function      cljs.closure       Given a sequence of Closure namespace strings, ret...
 js-dependency-index          function      cljs.js-deps       Returns the index for all JavaScript dependencies....
 js-inline-comment            macro         cljs.core          Emit an inline JavaScript comment..
 js-src->cljs-src             function      cljs.repl          Map a JavaScript output file back to the original ...
 js-transforms                multimethod   cljs.closure       Takes an IJavaScript with the source code set as s...
 JSValue                      type          cljs.tagged-literals 



 keys                         macro         cljs.spec          Creates and returns a map validating spec. :req an...
 keys*                        macro         cljs.spec          takes the same arguments as spec/keys and returns ...
 known-opts                   var           cljs.closure       Set of all known compiler options..
 known-repl-opts              var           cljs.repl          Set of all known REPL options..



 -load                        function      cljs.repl          load code at url into the environment.
 lazy-cat                     macro         cljs.core          Expands to code which yields a lazy sequence of th...
 lazy-seq                     macro         cljs.core          Takes a body of expressions that returns an ISeq o...
 let                          macro         cljs.core          binding => binding-form init-expr  Evaluates the e...
 letfn                        macro         cljs.core          fnspec ==> (fname [params*] exprs) or (fname ([par...
 levenshtein-distance         function      cljs.util          The the minimum number of single-element edits nee...
 lines->segs                  function      cljs.source-map    Take a nested sorted map encoding line and column ...
 load-externs                 function      cljs.closure       Externs are JavaScript files which contain empty d...
 load-file                    function      cljs.repl.rhino    Load a JavaScript. This is needed to load JavaScri...
 load-foreign-library*        function      cljs.js-deps       Given a library spec (a map containing the keys :f...
 load-javascript              function      cljs.repl.browser  Accepts a REPL environment, a list of namespaces, ...
 load-javascript              function      cljs.repl.node     Load a Closure JavaScript file into the Node REPL ...
 load-library*                function      cljs.js-deps       Given a path to a JavaScript library, which is a d...
 load-namespace               function      cljs.repl          Load a namespace and all of its dependencies into ...
 loaded-js-ns?                function      cljs.analyzer      Check if a JavaScript namespace has been loaded. J...
 locate-src                   function      cljs.analyzer      Given a namespace return the corresponding Clojure...
 loop                         macro         cljs.core          Evaluates the exprs in a lexical context in which ...



 macro-autoload-ns?           function      cljs.analyzer      Given a spec form check whether the spec namespace...
 macroexpand                  macro         cljs.core          Repeatedly calls macroexpand-1 on form until it no...
 macroexpand-1                function      cljs.analyzer      Given a env, an analysis environment, and form, a ...
 macroexpand-1                macro         cljs.core          If form represents a macro form, returns its expan...
 make-options                 function      cljs.closure       Create a CompilerOptions object and set options fr...
 map->BrowserEnv              function      cljs.repl.browser  Factory function for class cljs.repl.browser.Brows...
 map->JavaScriptFile          function      cljs.closure       Factory function for class cljs.closure.JavaScript...
 map->NashornEnv              function      cljs.repl.nashorn  Factory function for class cljs.repl.nashorn.Nasho...
 map->NodeEnv                 function      cljs.repl.node     Factory function for class cljs.repl.node.NodeEnv,...
 map->RhinoEnv                function      cljs.repl.rhino    Factory function for class cljs.repl.rhino.RhinoEn...
 map-of                       macro         cljs.spec          Returns a spec for a map whose keys satisfy kpred ...
 mapped-frame                 function      cljs.stacktrace    Given opts and a canonicalized JavaScript stacktra...
 mapped-line-column-call      function      cljs.stacktrace    Given a cljs.source-map source map data structure ...
 mapped-stacktrace            function      cljs.repl          Given a vector representing the canonicalized Java...
 mapped-stacktrace            function      cljs.stacktrace    Given a vector representing the canonicalized Java...
 mapped-stacktrace-str        function      cljs.stacktrace    Given a vector representing the canonicalized Java...
 mark-cljs-ns-for-recompile!  function     Backdates a cljs target file so that it the cljs c...
 measure                      macro         cljs.util          Like cljs.core/time but toggleable and takes a mes...
 memfn                        macro         cljs.core          Expands into code that creates a fn that expects t...
 merge                        macro         cljs.spec          Takes map-validating specs (e.g. 'keys' specs) and...
 merge-source-maps            function      cljs.source-map    Merge an internal source map representation of a s...
 mkdirs                       function      cljs.util          Create all parent directories for the passed file..
 multi-spec                   macro         cljs.spec          Takes the name of a spec/predicate-returning multi...



 ->NashornEnv                 function      cljs.repl.nashorn  Positional factory function for class
 ->NodeEnv                    function      cljs.repl.node     Positional factory function for class
 NashornEnv                   record        cljs.repl.nashorn  
 nilable                      macro         cljs.spec          returns a spec that accepts nil and values satisfi...
 no-warn                      macro         cljs.analyzer.api  Disable analyzer warnings for any analysis execute...
 node-eval                    function      cljs.repl.node     Evaluate a JavaScript string in the Node REPL proc...
 NodeEnv                      record        cljs.repl.node     
 ns->location                 function     Given a namespace and compilation environment retu...
 ns->relpath                  function      cljs.util          Given a namespace as a symbol return the relative ...
 ns->source                   function     Given a namespace as a symbol return the correspon...
 ns->source                   function      cljs.util          Given a namespace as a symbol return the correspon...
 ns-info                      function      cljs.repl          Given a path to a js source file return the ns inf...
 ns-interns                   macro         cljs.core          Returns a map of the intern mappings for the names...
 ns-interns                   function      cljs.analyzer.api  Given a namespace return all the var analysis maps...
 ns-publics                   function      cljs.analyzer.api  Given a namespace return all the public var analys...
 ns-resolve                   function      cljs.analyzer.api  Given a namespace and a symbol return the correspo...
 ns-unmap                     macro         cljs.core          Removes the mappings for the symbol from the names...



 optimize                     function      cljs.closure       Use the Closure Compiler to optimize one or more J...
 optimize-modules             function      cljs.closure       Use the Closure Compiler to optimize one or more C...
 or                           macro         cljs.core          Evaluates exprs one at a time, from left to right....
 or                           macro         cljs.spec          Takes key+pred pairs, e.g.  (s/or :even even? :sma...
 output-modules               function      cljs.closure       Given compiler options, original IJavaScript sourc...
 output-unoptimized           function     Ensure that all JavaScript source files are on dis...
 output-unoptimized           function      cljs.closure       Ensure that all JavaScript source files are on dis...



 -parse-error                 function      cljs.repl          Given the original JavaScript error return the err...
 -parse-stacktrace            function      cljs.repl          Given the original JavaScript stacktrace string, t...
 -paths                       function      cljs.closure       Returns the file paths to the source inputs.
 -print-stacktrace            function      cljs.repl          Implementing REPL evaluation environments are give...
 -provides                    function      cljs.js-deps       A list of namespaces that this JavaScript provides...
 parse-file                   function      cljs.stacktrace    Given a browser file url convert it into a relativ...
 parse-headers                function      cljs.repl.server   Parse the headers of an HTTP POST request..
 parse-js-ns                  function     Given a Google Closure style JavaScript file or re...
 parse-js-ns                  function      cljs.js-deps       Given the lines from a JavaScript source file, par...
 parse-ns                     function      cljs.analyzer      Helper for parsing only the essential namespace in...
 parse-ns                     function      cljs.analyzer.api  Helper for parsing only the essential namespace in...
 parse-param                  function      cljs.repl.reflect  Parses the query parameter of a path of the form "...
 parse-stacktrace             multimethod   cljs.stacktrace    Parse a JavaScript stacktrace string into a canoni...
 path-from-jarfile            function      cljs.closure       Given the URL of a file within a jar, return the p...
 path-relative-to             function      cljs.closure       Generate a string which is the path to the input I...
 pp                           macro         cljs.pprint        A convenience macro that pretty prints the last th...
 pprint-logical-block         macro         cljs.pprint        Execute the body as a pretty printing logical bloc...
 print-length-loop            macro         cljs.pprint        A version of loop that iterates at most *print-len...
 print-mapped-stacktrace      function      cljs.repl          Given a vector representing the canonicalized Java...
 process-js-modules           function      cljs.closure       Given the current compiler options, converts JavaS...





 ->RhinoEnv                   function      cljs.repl.rhino    Positional factory function for class cljs.repl.rh...
 -repl-options                function      cljs.repl          Return default REPL options for a REPL Env.
 -requires                    function      cljs.js-deps       A list of namespaces that this JavaScript requires...
 read-js                      function      cljs.closure       Read a JavaScript file returning a map of file inf...
 read-source-map              function      cljs.repl          Return the source map for the JavaScript source fi...
 reify                        macro         cljs.core          reify is a macro with the following structure:  (r...
 rel-output-path              function      cljs.closure       Given an IJavaScript which is either in memory, in...
 relativize-path              function      cljs.source-map    Relativize a path using :source-map-path if provid...
 remove-ns                    function      cljs.analyzer.api  Removes the namespace named by the symbol..
 rename-to-js                 function      cljs.compiler      Change the file extension from .cljs to .js. Takes...
 repl                         function      cljs.repl          Generic, reusable, read-eval-print loop. By defaul...
 repl-env                     function      cljs.repl.browser  Create a browser-connected REPL environment.  Opti...
 repl-env                     function      cljs.repl.nashorn  Create a Nashorn repl-env for use with the repl/re...
 repl-env                     function      cljs.repl.node     Construct a Node.js evalution environment. Can sup...
 repl-env                     function      cljs.repl.rhino    Returns a fresh JS environment, suitable for passi...
 repl-read                    function      cljs.repl          Default :read hook for repl. Reads from *in* which...
 requires-analysis?           function      cljs.analyzer      Given a src, a resource, and output-dir, a compila...
 requires-compilation?        function      cljs.compiler      Return true if the src file requires compilation..
 requires-compilation?        function      cljs.compiler.api  Return true if the src file requires compilation..
 resolve                      function      cljs.analyzer.api  Given an analysis environment resolve a var. Analo...
 resolve-existing-var         function      cljs.analyzer      Given env, an analysis environment, and sym, a sym...
 resolve-macro-var            function      cljs.analyzer      Given env, an analysis environment, and sym, a sym...
 resolve-var                  function      cljs.analyzer      Resolve a var. Accepts a side-effecting confirm fn...
 rewrite-cljs-aliases         function      cljs.analyzer      Alias non-existing clojure.* namespaces to existin...
 RhinoEnv                     record        cljs.repl.rhino    
 run-all-tests                macro         cljs.test          Runs all tests in all namespaces; prints results. ...
 run-all-tests                macro         cljs.spec.test     Like clojure.test/run-all-tests, but runs test.che...
 run-tests                    macro         cljs.test          Runs all tests in the given namespaces; prints res...
 run-tests                    macro         cljs.spec.test     Like run-all-tests, but scoped to specific namespa...
 run-tests-block              macro         cljs.test          Like test-vars, but returns a block for further co...



 -setup                       function      cljs.repl          initialize the environment.
 -source                      function      cljs.js-deps       The JavaScript source string..
 -source-map                  function      cljs.closure       Return the CLJS compiler generated JS source mappi...
 -source-url                  function      cljs.closure       Return the CLJS source url.
 satisfies?                   macro         cljs.core          Returns true if x satisfies the protocol.
 seg->map                     function      cljs.source-map    Take a source map segment represented as a vector ...
 seg-combine                  function      cljs.source-map    Combine a source map segment vector and a relative...
 send-and-close               function      cljs.repl.server   Use the passed connection to send a form to the br...
 send-for-eval                function      cljs.repl.browser  Given a form and a return value function, send the...
 set-connection               function      cljs.repl.server   Given a new available connection, either use it to...
 set-options                  function      cljs.closure       TODO: Add any other options that we would like to ...
 setf                         macro         cljs.pprint        Set the value of the field SYM to NEW-VAL.
 simple-benchmark             macro         cljs.core          Runs expr iterations times in the context of a let...
 skip-if-eol                  function      cljs.repl          If the next character on stream s is a newline, sk...
 skip-whitespace              function      cljs.repl          Skips whitespace characters on stream s. Returns :...
 some->                       macro         cljs.core          When expr is not nil, threads it into the first fo...
 some->>                      macro         cljs.core          When expr is not nil, threads it into the first fo...
 source                       macro         cljs.repl          Prints the source code for the given symbol, if it...
 source-compare               function      cljs.source-map    Take a seq of source file names and return a compa...
 source-fn                    function      cljs.repl          Returns a string of the source code for the given ...
 source-for-namespace         function      cljs.closure       Given a namespace and compilation environment retu...
 source-on-disk               function     Ensure that the given IJavaScript exists on disk i...
 source-on-disk               function      cljs.closure       Ensure that the given IJavaScript exists on disk i...
 spec                         macro         cljs.spec          Takes a single predicate form, e.g. can be the nam...
 speced-vars                  macro         cljs.spec          Returns the set of vars whose namespace is in ns-s...
 specify                      macro         cljs.core          Identical to specify! but does not mutate its firs...
 specify!                     macro         cljs.core          Identical to reify but mutates its first argument..
 src-file->goog-require       function     Given a ClojureScript or Google Closure style Java...
 src-file->target-file        function     Given a ClojureScript source file return the targe...
 start                        function      cljs.repl.server   Start the server on the specified port..
 suggestion                   function      cljs.util          Provides a best suggestion for an unknown, taken f...



 -tear-down                   function      cljs.repl          dispose of the environment.
 target-file-for-cljs-ns      function     Given an output directory and a clojurescript name...
 test-all-vars                macro         cljs.test          Calls test-vars on every var with :test metadata i...
 test-ns                      macro         cljs.test          If the namespace defines a function named test-ns-...
 test-ns-block                macro         cljs.test          Like test-ns, but returns a block for further comp...
 testing                      macro         cljs.test          Adds a new string to the list of testing contexts....
 this-as                      macro         cljs.core          Defines a scope where JavaScript's implicit "this"...
 time                         macro         cljs.core          Evaluates expr and prints the time it took. Return...
 try-expr                     macro         cljs.test          Used by the 'is' macro to catch unexpected excepti...
 tuple                        macro         cljs.spec          takes one or more preds and returns a spec for a t...



 -url                         function      cljs.js-deps       The URL where this JavaScript is located. Returns ...
 undefined?                   macro         cljs.core          Return true if argument is identical to the JavaSc...
 unknown-opts                 function      cljs.util          Takes a set of passed opt keys and known opt keys ...
 unsafe-cast                  macro         cljs.core          EXPERIMENTAL: Subject to change. Unsafely cast a v...
 unstrument                   macro         cljs.spec          Undoes instrument on the var at v, a var or symbol...
 unstrument-all               macro         cljs.spec          Call unstrument for all speced-vars. Idempotent.
 unstrument-ns                macro         cljs.spec          Call unstrument for all speced-vars in namespaces ...
 update-result                function      cljs.source-map    Helper for decode. Take a source map and update it...
 update-reverse-result        function      cljs.source-map    Helper for decode-reverse. Take a source map and u...



 vswap!                       macro         cljs.core          Non-atomically swaps the value of the volatile as ...



 warning-enabled?             function      cljs.analyzer.api  Test if the given warning-type is enabled..
 watch                        function     Given a source which can be compiled, watch it for...
 watch                        function      cljs.closure       Given a source directory, produce runnable JavaScr...
 when                         macro         cljs.core          Evaluates test. If logical true, evaluates body in...
 when-first                   macro         cljs.core          bindings => x xs  Roughly the same as (when (seq x...
 when-let                     macro         cljs.core          bindings => binding-form test  When test is true, ...
 when-not                     macro         cljs.core          Evaluates test. If logical false, evaluates body i...
 when-some                    macro         cljs.core          bindings => binding-form test  When test is not ni...
 while                        macro         cljs.core          Repeatedly executes body while test expression is ...
 with-compiler-env            macro         cljs.env           Evaluates [body] with [env] bound as the value of ...
 with-compiler-env            macro         cljs.env.macros    Evaluates [body] with [env] bound as the value of ...
 with-core-cljs               function      cljs.compiler      Ensure that core.cljs has been loaded..
 with-core-cljs               function      cljs.compiler.api  Ensure that core.cljs has been loaded..
 with-instrument-disabled     macro         cljs.spec          Disables instrument's checking of calls, within a ...
 with-out-str                 macro         cljs.core          Evaluates exprs in a context in which *print-fn* i...
 with-pprint-dispatch         macro         cljs.pprint        Execute body with the pretty print dispatch functi...
 with-redefs                  macro         cljs.core          binding => var-symbol temp-value-expr  Temporarily...
 with-state                   macro         cljs.analyzer.api  Run the body with the given compilation state Atom...
 write-javascript             function      cljs.closure       Write or copy a JavaScript file to output director...
 write-js?                    function      cljs.closure       Returns true if IJavaScript instance needs to be w...









 &                            macro         cljs.spec          takes a regex op re, and predicates. Returns a reg...
 *                            macro         cljs.spec          Returns a regex op that matches zero or more value...
 +                            macro         cljs.spec          Returns a regex op that matches one or more values...
 ->                           macro         cljs.core          Threads the expr through the forms. Inserts x as t...
 ->>                          macro         cljs.core          Threads the expr through the forms. Inserts x as t...
 ..                           macro         cljs.core          form => fieldName-symbol or (instanceMethodName-sy...
 ?                            macro         cljs.spec          Returns a regex op that matches zero or one value ...

Logo & site design by Tom Hickey.
Clojure auto-documentation system by Tom Faulhaber.